I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve been a very busy boy lately with another project which at this stage takes a lot of work and attention. It’s still heavy in development and I’m making all the preparations for the first release. Me and my girlfriend are hard at work and the release schedule is still on track and the release is due in a few months. No it’s not software or computer related, it’s called project baby. But enough about that, you’re not reading this because of that, but I felt some explanation was due in the slow uptake of new things.

Pure FTPdThe good news is I don’t have to document and compile you a FTP-server as someone else has done the job for us and provided a great administration tool as an added bonus. It’s called Pure-FTPd and is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server. It doesn’t provide useless bells and whistles, but focuses on efficiency and ease of use. Jean Matthieu Schaffhauser has written this nice Cocoa based front-end admin tool that lets you configure every aspect of this FTP server. A small list of features include:

  • Virtual users, directories and hosts
  • Support for SSL
  • Limit up and download speeds per user
  • Several ways to store user information like PAM or MySQL

The list is so long I would like to see the full list on the PureFTPd Manager homepage. From where you can download the install package as well. The install package also includes the compiled FTPd server but there are compilation instructions on the site available if you would like to compile our own. What a service…