You might have noticed the last few days that some comments where unrelated and where having links to other web-sites in them. They were put there wuth a spamming purpose. To get a higher rating at Google or to get you to click on the link. I don’t know how I suddenly became a target, I must have been put on a list somewhere ? Luckily WordPress held back most of the spam by not allowing more than 3 links in a comment. It’s very annoying to have to check and delete the comments made in your blog and I started looking for a method to prevent spam. (more…)
Preventing Spam with Postfix configuration files
Posted by Richard5 under PostFix , SpamComments Off
Spam is a very annoying experience. People try to do everything to get their stuff sold, while others try everything possible not to receive these messages. Having your own mail-server makes you vulnerable for spammers when you don’t configure your mail-server properly. Luckily the default configuration settings in Postfix make your server secure enough and don’t create an email server anyone can abuse.
One thing you would want to avoid is that regular email that you want to receive is not blocked. Spam filters check for keywords and block email based on the content of the email, this might be useful until your best friend starts boasting about his adventures with viagra via email. Before I started experimenting with spam filters I wanted to find out what else one could to reduce the amount of spam. (more…)