Configuring DSPAM

To configure DSPAM we need to edit the default configuration file dspam.conf in /usr/local/etc/. I’m only showing you the changes i made to the default settings otherwise it would be a long list of settings. You can always download my dspam.conf from the bottom of the page.

# to insert the email back into postfix:
DeliveryPort        10026
DeliveryIdent       localhost
DeliveryProto       SMTP

Trust dspam
Trust postfix
Trust www

# get all the info we need to check if it all works.
# You can comment this out when it works as expected
Debug *

Preference "signatureLocation=headers"
Preference "showFactors=on"
Preference "spamAction=tag"
Preference "spamSubject=[SPAM]"

# access to the database:
MySQLServer      /tmp/mysql.sock
MySQLPort          3306
MySQLUser         dspam
MySQLPass         yourpassword
MySQLDb           dspam
MySQLCompress  true

MySQLVirtualTable          dspam_virtual_uids
MySQLVirtualUIDField       uid
MySQLVirtualUsernameField  username

MySQLUIDInSignature    on

SystemLog on
UserLog   on

ParseToHeaders on
ChangeModeOnParse on
ChangeUserOnParse full

ServerPID              /var/run/

ServerParameters    "--deliver=innocent, spam"
ServerIdent             "localhost.local"

I’ve decided, until I get the webgui or some other solution working, every email will be delivered. Spam email will be tagged in the subject with [SPAM] which you can filter out with your email client to be put into the Trash or a separate directory.

Next we need to administer the proper rights to the executable, please execute the following command:

sudo chmod o+x /usr/local/bin/dspam

Now we can continue to configure Postfix to use DSPAM
as a filter.


dspam.conf, download and copy into /usr/local/etc/ and change the database password.

Comments are closed, to find out why read this blogpost for the reason and directions to alternatives.