Finally found the problem with my Postfix configuration, it had something to do with the domain tags in the ‘’ configuration file. I can now send and receive emails between several test accounts and two domain names I set up on my local Mac mini. I still have to test it in the real world but I will leave that for a later date. I can’t just remove my production server and stick my Mac mini into the network. I only have one internet connection with one ip-address so it’s going to be difficult, that step needs a lot of preparation and must include everything on the current server to be migrated to the Mac mini so I can leave it in place.
Things I still need to do is to get a more secure way of access to the mail server. I’m thinking on using SSL to access the IMAP server and to find a way to get users who are connected via the internet to send email safely without having to include their ip-address in my servers config. This should be possible in some manner which I need to research a bit more.
Another thing is that I’m going to buy an external harddisk which I can connect to my Mac mini and use it to make a test install of all the things I need to get a proper server install. When attaching a firewire disk it will be possible to boot from that and create a new installation without interfering my current installation which I use for my daily work. In this manner I can test my installation and configuration script. I’m currently writing it all down and doing a backtrack on what I did that time before it all started working
The question remaining is, shall I publish the document in advance before testing it and amend it with my findings or should I wait untill it is fully tested. Please let me know what you think or would like to see…
By the way, when I’m done it’s just going to be a document explaining how-to to create your own server. A proper ISP in a box as you might call it. I’m not going to provide install packages, you will need to compile some stuff to get it all working. I’ve made this choice because it’s otherwise going to be to dependend on all the choices you make which packages you will use for all the other components. I like having freedom of choice so I will provide it as well. I’m not going to dictate wich component you need to take, but will give options and what to do to get them working.