Setting up the MySQL database for DSPAM

I’ve chosen to use a MySQL database to let DSPAM store all it’s data, this means we need to create a new database called dspam:

mysqladmin -p create dspam

Next we will use the scripts provided in the DSPAM source code tree to create all the tables required:

mysql -p dspam < ./src/tools.mysql_drv/mysql_objects-4.1.sql

Next you need to create the dspam database user using the MySQL terminal program:

grant all on dspam.* to dspam@localhost
                         identified by 'dspampassword';

Because we have virtual users in our system you will need to add this extra virtual user table by using another SQL script from the source:

mysql -p dspam < ./src/tools.mysql_drv/virtual_users.sql

When this is done we can continue with configuring DSPAM

2 Responses to “Setting up the MySQL database for DSPAM”

  1. Luke McNeilage Says:

    Hey, great notes.
    Small problem, is that all that I have in /webui/ is a bunch of makefiles that don’t appear to want to do anything?

    I need more info on how to get the UI to work.



  2. Richard5 Says:

    I’m sorry, I’ve given up to get the webui working. The scripts work fine for me and others. There was some issue on authentication of users that was very hard to setup. But feel free to try and let me know how you get along.